Make effective use of resources, youth told

  • November 22 , 2022
  • Location : Visakhapatnam Public Library

     Former Joint Director of CBI V.V. Lakshminarayana advised the youth to make effective use of available resources to succeed in civil service examiniations, He took part in a meeting organised by Visakhapatnam Public Library her on Tuesday.

     He said that everyone must first concentrate on allocating time for physical finess through exercise and pranayama. During his speech, the former IPS officer also spoke about several examples from his career.

    Emphasising the importance of civility in public life, which is a combination of courtesy and humility, Prof. A. Prasannakumar underscored its role in promoting democratic values, Library secretary D.S. Varma spoke how the retired officer, who hailed from a rural background , was able to secceed in the civil service examination gthrough degermination.